At Judson College the Spanish Department plays an important role in core liberal arts education. We offer a major and minor in Spanish. The department also provides instruction in Spanish at elementary and intermediate levels as a part of the core curriculum requirement and for students who simply wish to prepare themselves to meet the demands of today’s increasingly diverse and multilingual society by the acquisition of a second language.
Our Spanish classes are small and thus provide students the opportunity of speaking and interacting in the target language within the classroom. Judson makes a language computer lab available to students at all times to supplement their courses.
Because we believe that immersion is the best method by which to acquire true fluency, the department also encourages students to study abroad. Students have the opportunity to study abroad in any number of countries, and the department sponsors summer study abroad programs for students to receive credit for coursework at Judson College while taking intense language classes abroad.
Along with English, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world today, and it’s the most spoken foreign language in the U.S. Students in our Spanish program may pursue careers in education, translation, interpretation, or journalism. Spanish majors may also wish to continue their studies in graduate school for a law degree or degrees in literature or linguistics. A Spanish minor goes well with any number of majors, particularly business, criminal justice, nursing, religious studies, and social work.
We believe that foreign languages play a greater role today than ever before, and the Department of Modern Foreign Languages is committed to preparing our graduates to meet the demands of the future.
For more information, contact:
Larissa Clachar
Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish
Phone: (334) 683-5256