Samaritan Counseling Center makes gift to Judson College library

The Samaritan Counseling Center of Greater Birmingham has given over 2000 books to Judson College’s Robert Bowling Memorial Library.

The collection, focused on Christian counseling, psychology, pastoral care, religion and related subjects, represents decades of careful collecting by Dr. Joe Boone Abbott, Emeritus Executive Director and founder of Samaritan Counseling Centers. Abbott’s collection equipped and supported pastors and counselors serving in the Birmingham Baptist Medical System, Montclair Hospital, and later the Samaritan Counseling Centers. In support of Judson College’s mission and educational work, Dr. Abbott, Dr. Rodney Van Dyke, and the Board of Directors of the Samaritan Counseling Centers gave the collection to Judson’s Bowling Library.

Andrea Abernathy, Assistant Professor of Library Resources at Judson, expresses the College’s gratitude for the Center’s gift: “Truly, the offering of such a strong, studious collection of focused scholarship is a sacrifice pleasing to the Lord and a blessing to Judson College.”

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