The University of North Georgia held their annual Gold Rush Classic set of IHSA shows on September 28 at Epiphany Farms in Dahlonega, Ga. Teams competing in the shows were Berry College, Georgia State University, Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Judson College and the University of North Georgia.
In the first show in Novice Horsemanship, sophomore Mary Kilpatrick of Dothan placed first – qualifying her for the 2014 Western Regional show – and senior Christina Duke of Vestavia placed fourth. In Intermediate Horsemanship, senior Shelby Crews of Greenville placed sixth. In Beginner Horsemanship, sophomore Caitlin Autrey of Selma placed first, junior Brianne Culp of Brunswick, Ohio, placed second and freshman Lindsay Tubbs of Brent placed fourth.
In the second show in Advanced Horsemanship, Kilpatrick placed second. In Novice Horsemanship, Duke placed fourth. In Intermediate Horsemanship, Crews placed third – qualifying her for the 2014 Western Regional show. In Beginner Horsemanship Autrey placed first, Tubbs placed second and Culp placed fifth.
Overall the Judson College Equestrian Team ended with a second place or Reserve Team Award for both shows. “This is a very strong start to the 2013-2014 show season, and we’re excited to have the opportunity to work with such a dedicated group of young women. We’re looking forward to many more successful shows this season,” said Judson Western Coach Jennifer Hoggle.