The election results for the 2015-2016 school year have been released, and they are as follows:
Student Government Association
President- Hannah Patterson
VP of Government- Destany Sherman
3rd Year Representative- Marianna Nichols
2nd Year Representative- Sarah Stringfellow
WMU Representative- Elisabeth Grandstaff
Barron Representative- Erin Brown
Community Service Coordinator- Katie Owens
Honor Council
President- Margie Gunter
WMU Representative- Kelly Stephens
4th Year Representative- Katie McQuaig
3rd Year Representative- Heather Waterhouse
2nd Year Representative- Lillie Hobson
Senior Class Officers
President- Emily Dickerson
Vice President- Bethany Kinard
Secretary- Becky Tucker
Treasurer- Anna Catherine Borden
Song Leader- Laura Thompson
Chaplain- Elisabeth Grandstaff
Jr/Soph Class Officers
President- Miranda Brown
Vice President- Lillie Hobson
Secretary- Lauren Hurt
Treasurer- Chloe Crowder
Song Leader- Sara Jean Lane
Chaplain- Alexis Whetstone
Social Committee
Chair- Anna Catherine Borden
WMU Representative- Katie Harter
4th Year Representative- Kelly Stephens
3rd Year Representative- Destany Sherman
2nd Year Representative- Chloe Crowder
Margie Gunter, a sophmore from Camden, says of her new position : “I am honored to have the chance to serve my fellow Judson sisters as Honor Council President, and I am committed to fulfilling the duties this position requires to the best of my ability.”
Emily R. Dickerson, of Madison, says of her new position as Senior Class President: “I am so excited to have this fantastic opportunity to guide my fellow sisters as we continue our journey together at Judson in the upcoming 2015-2016 school year. I am greatly thankful to those that have supported me in my various ventures thus far and to those that continue to do so as I take my walk through life’s winding path.”
New Jr/Soph Class president Miranda Brown of Robertsdale, said, “I am so excited to serve next year as Jr/Soph president! I’m honored that my class has allowed me to serve as class president for another year. I know that this will be a very rewarding experience and I look forward to serving my class.”
Congratulations to our new student leaders!