Social Work

For more than 180 years, Judson College has been equipping women to make a difference. The College’s founders believed that educating the minds and hearts of young women was vital to effecting positive change in their societies, and today Judson maintains that focus on preparing women to be “light and truth” in the world.

In 2009, Judson began a Bachelor of Social Work program to offer a new way to empower our students to help the people around them. The BSW degree consists of 129 credit hours of coursework and internship practice.* Our graduates are eligible for advanced standing in an MSW program.

Providing a learning environment congruent with the Social Work Code of Ethics and the College’s Core Values, the Judson College Social Work Program is devoted to the success of its students.  We believe that success looks a lot like being empowered to respond to needs in our communities, following Christ’s example to serve and advocate for people in need and on the margins of society.

*The BSW program does not grant credit for prior experience.

Angela Dennison
Director of BSW Program
Department Head
(334) 683-5192